Imagine you have a DragonBones project called A. Then you have a DragonBones project called B.
B has a character with a jetpack that you need to implemented in A. You only want the jetpack.
This and similar things can be easily done in DragonBones.
There is the possibility to copy paste bones across different DragonBones projects.
- You need to have both projects opened
- You select bone of one project
- Copy it
- Switch to other project
- Select a bone to place
- Paste it
And this is how you copy paste one bone or entire armature of one project into
another DragonBones project. Pretty amazing actually !
Put the flag of one project onto the back of the skeleton back in another project.
(They both are screenshots from different projects)
So we get something like this afterwards
Skeleton + Flag combined |
In the below example I copied the parent flag bone and pasted it onto the body bone of the skeleton. It was angled wrong so I needed to turn it to the right angle. I had to put it down in the draw order. And I got the flag where I needed it.
Even more Awesome!
Now when you do crossproject cop paste that's not the only thing that gets copied.
In fact I had made a flag animation real quick just for testing (here called flagwave)
And when I pasted it on the other project the flag still was animated like before. Notice I did not edit or touch the flag here.
Cool isn't it? :D
Just bare in mind that the animation name in one project has to exist in the other project otherwise only the bone will get copied but not the animation.
Hamza Cavus
Thursday, 6 December 2018